Sustain Recovery Blog

PTSD Support Groups

Written by Butch Flarida | Feb 24, 2017 3:05:26 PM

Support for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) exists for individuals who suffer. Face-to-face meetings, virtual meetings online or even by email are all ways individuals can find support. Hearing others share stories of experience with PTSD can help people feel less alone. Learn more about support groups for PTSD.

Support Group Tips

Finding the right support group can take time. Be proactive and listen to the group as each shares about experiences. The most profound changes will come from a group that feels safe and provides opportunities to mature as an individual. It is typically advisable to avoid groups which focus on a victim’s mentality or is not growth oriented. Some of the following are helpful tips to get started.

  • Be deliberate in support goals
  • Commit and stay actively engaged
  • Don’t allow support meetings to become predictable
  • Don’t give up
  • Focus on helping others
  • Let go of the pity party
  • Seek God’s will for the place in the group

Top 3 Places to Look


The best place to start finding a group includes starting with searching through support groups and forums for the right fit. Types of groups range from returning veterans of war to mental, emotional, physical and sexual abuse survivors. Finding people to relate to will be the best start.

Major U.S. Cities

Finding a nearby city with a few groups who meet is important. Find local support to get together and compare notes. Share survival and coping skills. A support group that shares the successes and struggles is worthwhile. A support group that shares in successes is more likely to contribute to the healing process long term.

Starting a Group

Starting a PTSD support group is important for some individuals in the journey to recovery but it is not for everyone. To accomplish this big task, it helps to connect with 3-5 people online interested in starting a group. It can be a project that is done together to bond and build team participation. Different websites that offer groups to help will be beneficial. War veterans must stay with other veterans and keeping like minded folks together is key to their personal growth and development. Each member can share info which impacts them personally. When starting a group, decide what is appropriate to share and not share with others. Decide if the group is open or closed to certain types of disorders or open to all who want to join. There is alot of planning involved but can become quite fruitful for everyone who becomes connected.

Sustain Recovery provides support for adolescents in recovery. Call us to find out more about our treatment programs and how we can help guide your adolescent in the journey.