Sustain Recovery Blog

Adolescent Treatment in Orange County

Written by Sustain Recovery | Jul 11, 2024 6:13:17 PM

Navigating the treatment terrain is overwhelming. Doubly so if your teen is in crisis or on the precipice of a behavioral health challenge. Ask any parent who's been in this situation and they will attest that finding the appropriate level of treatment is a daunting task. That’s why we put together a comprehensive guide on the levels of adolescent treatment that are available. Understanding these levels of care and how to find the one best suited for your child is crucial to guiding them towards a healthier and happier life. 


What is the Point of Adolescent Treatment?


Treatment programs for adolescents are a series of specialized services designed to address the unique challenges faced by teenagers dealing with substance abuse and mental health issues. These programs integrate therapeutic, educational, and recreational activities to create a holistic approach to recovery. The primary goal is to help your young adult develop coping mechanisms, improve their mental health, and guide them towards a long-term, substance-free lifestyle. 


Levels of Care in Adolescent Treatment


1. Outpatient Treatment (OP)


Outpatient treatment is the first level of treatment and is typically the least intensive. It involves scheduled sessions at a treatment center, allowing adolescents to continue living at home and attending school. Outpatient treatment is suitable for teens with mild substance use or mental health issues who have a strong support system at home.


2. Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)


IOP offers a higher level of care compared to a standard outpatient program. Your teen will attend therapy sessions several times a week for several hours each day. This level of care is ideal for young adults who require more support than outpatient treatment provides but do not need round-the-clock supervision. 


3. Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)


PHP is a step up from IOP and provides a structured environment during the day while allowing teens to return home in the evenings. It is designed for adolescents with moderate to severe substance use or mental health issues who need intensive therapy but do not require 24-hour care. It is often used as a step-down option when a teen has finished a residential treatment program. It can also be used in conjunction with a sober living program to provide a higher level of accountability and support while beginning the transition back into everyday life. 


4. Residential Treatment Program (RTC)


Outside of hospitalization or detox, teen residential treatment programs are the highest level of care in a standard continuum. This LOC offers 24-hour care in a structured and supportive environment. In-patient treatment is suitable for teens with severe substance use or mental health issues who need constant supervision and support. Residential treatment includes individual therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and educational services.


5. Extended Care


Extended care is often thought of as any kind of therapeutic environment that is longer than a traditional 30 day residential program. At Sustain, extended care can be applied to any level of care from IOP through residential. It provides a supportive environment where young men and women can continue the progress they have made in other levels of care while building deeper roots in recovery and reducing the risk of relapse. 


Determining the Appropriate Level of Care


Choosing the right level of care depends upon the needs of the individual. Before deciding which LOC is right for your teen, a thorough assessment of their situation and needs should be conducted by a qualified mental health professional. A few things to consider: 


1. Severity of Substance Use & Mental Health Issues


How severe is your child's condition? If they are only just beginning to experiment with drugs or struggling with the onset of anxiety and depression, then outpatient or IOP may be appropriate. If they have been to treatment before, have a history of drug abuse and mental health struggles then a more structured environment like PHP or residential may be the best fit. Talk with an adolescent treatment specialist to best determine the right level of care for your child. 


2. Support System


The strength and availability of a support system at home play a crucial role in the success of treatment. Teens with strong family support may do well in outpatient or intensive outpatient programs, while those with limited support may need the structured environment of a residential treatment program.


3. Co-occurring Disorders


If the young adult in your family iis dealing with both substance abuse and mental health issues, they may require a higher level of care that can address both conditions simultaneously. Dual-diagnosis treatment programs, like Sustain Recovery, were designed specifically for this need.


4. Past Treatment History


Consider your teen's past treatment experiences. If previous outpatient treatments were unsuccessful, a higher level of care should be the necessary next step. It’s important to build on past experiences to find the most effective treatment plan. Don’t keep repeating what doesn’t work. 


5. Personalization of Treatment


Ensure that the treatment program you choose can tailor its services to treat the conditions your teen needs treated. The program should adapt what they do to fit your child, not the other way around. Personalized treatment plans tend to be more successful. 


Learn About Sustain’s Approach to Adolescent Treatment


Finding the appropriate level of care for your teen in Orange County, CA, can be overwhelming, but understanding the available options and considering your child's unique needs can make the process more manageable. 

If you're a parent in Orange County looking for the best adolescent treatment program for your teen, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Sustain Recovery for a comprehensive assessment. We’d love to hear your story and talk about ways to write the next chapter. Call us today.