drug & alcohol detox
For Teens in Orange County
Nothing happens until you’re clean and sober. So, the first step to moving beyond better is to clear the clouding effects of substance use in our Orange County drug and alcohol detox for teens.

when is detox necessary?
Every teen or adolescent that is using drugs or alcohol at any level can benefit from the support of a medical detox team. Far too many individuals attempt to quit substances on their own, only to relapse and reach for the drink or drug when the discomfort grows too unmanageable. In fact, many teens are only using substances to self-medicate emotional pain to begin with. In a professional detox, however, teens are carefully carried through withdrawal management to the other side, where they can begin the work of mental health and substance abuse treatment in earnest — and without drugs and alcohol clouding their judgment.
what is sub-acute detox?
Sustain Recovery offers sub-acute detox for adolescents and teens. This means that our clients are not in serious medical danger during detox due to the level of their drug or alcohol use. Individuals who are consuming a much greater quantity of dangerous drugs — or those with medical issues — may need the 24/7 support of an acute detox. (If this includes your child, we can assist with finding a trusted partner and facilitate the transition back to Sustain.) However, most teens and adolescents are stable enough to find success at a sub-acute level.

the detox timeline
The detox timeline for teens will vary depending on the nature of each individual’s use. Each substance comes with its own withdrawal symptoms and its own withdrawal timeline. Our team of experts monitors every child in our care to ensure that they are kept as comfortable and as safe as possible during the detox period. For most, this may last several days. From there, they can transition into the regular treatment milieu as appropriate.
detox symptoms
The signs and symptoms of detox also vary depending on the drug of choice. Typical detox symptoms are the same for drug and alcohol users of all ages, though, and may include:
Our detox was designed to help our clients navigate these challenging symptoms and continue their recovery journey.
drug & alcohol detox
Our sub-acute detox is able to address the withdrawal management needs of teens and adolescents using a diverse array of substances, in varying quantities, including:
Prescription Pills
After detox, teens can move into our dual diagnosis residential treatment program for adolescents.
Learn more about our continuum of care at the link.
feel better. get better. be better.
Every recovery journey starts with the same first step: removing the drugs and alcohol. Our team members have helped countless families begin this journey, and are standing by to help yours. Send us a chat or reach out via phone to get started.