Posts by Sustain Recovery

What Is the Difference Between Supporting and Enabling?
Difference-Between-Supporting-Enabling As a parent, you always want to support your child. But what constitutes...
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17min read
Do Something: How to Get Your Client to Open Up
Traditional talk therapy works very well for clinicians. You can see more clients in a day, have easy access to your...
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16min read
How Can I Tell My Teen I Love Them So They Hear Me?
As a parent or guardian, you may assume that your child knows that you love them. After all, they live with you, and...
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14min read
The Value of Experiential Therapy for Young Clients
Those who work with adolescents who have substance abuse or mental health diagnoses are acutely aware that they do not...
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17min read
How Can I Help My Teen Prevent a Relapse?
Families who are not familiar with addiction recovery may be surprised to learn that you cannot just send your child to...
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15min read
Relapse Prevention for the Family: Don’t Be Your Child’s Trigger
Group of happy family hugging each other Addiction and mental health issues are not limited to your teen. When your...
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16min read
Focus on Internet Safety
As someone who works with adolescents, you probably know a lot about what they face. In addition to the social...
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17min read
The Importance of Learning About Trauma
As a professional in the field of addiction recovery or mental health, you know the basics of trauma-informed care. You...
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16min read
The Benefits of Continued Learning
Mental health care professionals have minimum requirements for continued learning in order to renew and maintain their...
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16min read
Replacing Defeatism With Empowerment
Many adolescents with substance abuse issues and mental health diagnoses feel completely defeated and may even be at...
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16min read