Posts by Sustain Recovery

My Adolescent Has Already Been to Residential Treatment: Now What? 5 Possible Next Steps
Despite lots of treatment facilities touting “30-day programs”, adolescent behavioral health recovery takes time and...
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13min read
Does My Adolescent Need Treatment? When Video Games, Pornography, and Other Typical Adolescent Behaviors Turn Maladaptive
The idea of normal vs abnormal behavior is largely dependent on the sociocultural context you view it in. What is...
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16min read
Getting Help for Your Teen’s Disordered Eating: 5 Ways Residential Treatment Leads To Successful Recovery
Kids are notorious for being picky eaters. As they grow, determining what they will and won't eat can be a way of...
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13min read
Navigating Family Safety: What Parents Can Do When Their Teen is a Risk at Home
Creating a safe and nurturing household is the mission of every parent. We want to protect and care for our families....
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12min read
5 Ways Extended Care For Adolescents Supports a Successful Recovery Journey
The majority of adolescents who enter treatment for substance abuse will return to using drugs and alcohol following...
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13min read
Is My Teen Depressed or Just Moody? Signs That Your Adolescent Needs Professional Help with Their Mental Health
Navigating the tumultuous waters of adolescence can be challenging for both parents and teenagers alike. Adolescence is...
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15min read
Nurturing Resilience: A Guide for Parents on Helping Adolescents Overcome Trauma Through 5 Treatment Modalities
The National Center of PTSD recently released a study that indicated upwards of 43% of young adults have experienced at...
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13min read
How To Treat Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Issues in Adolescents: 4 Key Factors
Dealing with a child suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues can feel like a never-ending game of...
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12min read
Is Your Adolescent Self-Harming? 5 Signs to Watch For
Parenting a child through self-harm can be a frightening and overwhelming ordeal. You may feel out of control and...
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13min read
What Is Process Addiction and How Is It Affecting Your Child's Mental Health?
Parenting in the digital age is no easy task. It comes with its own host of challenges. With the ever-expanding world...
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16min read